Take the Food Storage Freeze Dried Food Challenge it's Preptember September

Take the Preptember Challenge! 💪

Don't you LOVE a GREAT surprise! BUT a bad surprise - NO THANKS!! 

It's like when you drop your child off at school and SURPRISE! It's picture day! 📸 That was Tuesday.

If you're prepared for it, great, no problem.

  But if not, we're talking years of living down the school year book picture because SURPRISE - we also missed retake day! 🤦‍♀️

Now September - I've always loved September - Pumpkin patches, apple & cinnamon and cozy cooking weather, but did you know it's also National Preparedness Month

You know, the month we celebrate to focus on all those BAD surprises! 

--> So every September I take it upon myself to spend some time really thinking about how prepared I am for all of life's emergencies (I mean "surprises") - you know like Back to School Night that starts in 20 minutes, that I completely forgot about, all the way to earthquakes and tornados.

  • What does my water storage look like, how about my long term food storage?
  • Am I stocked up on the basics, like flour, sugar, ketchup and chocolate chips? 

Even the worst of surprises aren't as bad if you are prepared for them. 

So I wanted to officially invite you to join the Preptember Challenge! 

Sponsored by Kitchen Billboards and hosted in the Kitchen Insiders Facebook Group (which is completely FREE to join - just click here).

The Preptember Challenge is to take 5 minutes a day during the month of September to think about how prepared you and your family are for all of life's emergencies.

We'll be take discussing a different PrepTember topic each day with downloads, worksheets and information that will hopefully leave you better prepared for all of life's emergencies. 

We'll be covering topics like: 

  • water storage
  • food storage
  • non-food storage
  • developing a family emergency plans 
  • 72 hour kits
  • Pantry Stacking
  • Cabinet Cooking
  • and so much more!
Take the challenge today!  We would LOVE for you to join us in the Kitchen Insiders FB Group! 
 CLICK HERE to join us LIVE in September or follow the days below

 Kitchen Insiders Freeze Dried Food Challenge

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