Don't you LOVE a GREAT surprise! BUT a bad surprise - NO THANKS!!
It's like when you drop your child off at school and SURPRISE! It's picture day! 📸 That was Tuesday.
If you're prepared for it, great, no problem.
But if not, we're talking years of living down the school year book picture because SURPRISE - we also missed retake day! 🤦♀️
Now September - I've always loved September - Pumpkin patches, apple & cinnamon and cozy cooking weather, but did you know it's also National Preparedness Month.
You know, the month we celebrate to focus on all those BAD surprises!
--> So every September I take it upon myself to spend some time really thinking about how prepared I am for all of life's emergencies (I mean "surprises") - you know like Back to School Night that starts in 20 minutes, that I completely forgot about, all the way to earthquakes and tornados.
- What does my water storage look like, how about my long term food storage?
- Am I stocked up on the basics, like flour, sugar, ketchup and chocolate chips?
Even the worst of surprises aren't as bad if you are prepared for them.
So I wanted to officially invite you to join the Preptember Challenge!
Sponsored by Kitchen Billboards and hosted in the Kitchen Insiders Facebook Group (which is completely FREE to join - just click here).
The Preptember Challenge is to take 5 minutes a day during the month of September to think about how prepared you and your family are for all of life's emergencies.
We'll be take discussing a different PrepTember topic each day with downloads, worksheets and information that will hopefully leave you better prepared for all of life's emergencies.
We'll be covering topics like:
- water storage
- food storage
- non-food storage
- developing a family emergency plans
- 72 hour kits
- Pantry Stacking
- Cabinet Cooking
- and so much more!